About Us

Our Story - how the Flamingo found it's wings!

The accident

In 2017 Claire, the founder of Raspberry Flamingo, had a life changing accident.

Falling off a ladder and shattering both bones in her lower left leg resulted in a total of seven operations.

Unable to walk unaided for 16months, she had to consider her future without knowing how mobile she would be.

Whatever she did next, it had to be able to be from behind a laptop… just in case!

Looking back at her career, Claire made a note of what element of each job she had enjoyed.

The common theme, from start to finish, was marketing/copywriting.

The love for it started when she took a job in an advertising agency, too long ago to mention!

The copywriting business

Claire wanted to provide just one service – marketing covers so many different themes, she decided copywriting was the way forward.

She canvassed some SME business owners she knew and asked if they felt there was a requirement for her services.

The answer was a resounding ‘yes’ with enquiries following.

So the decision was made to move forward with the business… just one thing left to do…

Decide what to call the business…

It’s all in the name

Communicate Copywriting – does what it says on the tin!


In fact, more than that… soul destroying!

So, after a great deal of brainstorming and canvassing friends for advice, ‘raspberry’ was highlighted as needing to be part of the name.

Claire’s friends had said for years she wasn’t really pink… or purple… more raspberry – all down to the hair colour…

But Raspberry Copywriting just wasn’t right either.

Totally frustrated with thinking about it, Claire went to bed one evening and said, to no one in particular, “will someone please tell me the name for this business“.

The next morning, as she woke, ‘Raspberry Flamingo’ popped into her head as clearly as if someone had said it to her!

(It was a rather strange experience indeed.)

Quite liking it, but thinking it a little ‘out there’, Claire text a lifelong friend.  

Now this friend was extremely corporate in her outlook on business.

The text exchange went like this…

Is Raspberry Flamingo the most stupid name you’ve ever heard for my new business?

The instant reply….

At this moment I am drinking raspberry tea out of the flamingo mug you bought me!

That, as they say, was that!  

The flock multiplied

Raspberry Flamingo was only ever supposed to be for Claire to work as a freelance copywriter.

However, after completing a course to refresh her Direct Response Copy skills, she realised that writing content wasn’t really her bag.

But her clients wanted blogs and other content and so the first additional writer was brought onboard.

Since then the flock has grown to include specialist subject writers and an Online Business Manager to support Claire.

Expertise and Experience

Raspberry Flamingo - Claire Taylor Foster


Claire has an MA in Communication Studies.

As well as being the Founder of Raspberry Flamingo…

She is Director of the British Manufacturing Consortium.

Claire is also a Group Leader for The Growth Community.

Her years of writing copy … well, she’s been doing it for decades!!

Claire’s career has included working for an advertising agency, law firm, white goods distributor, corporate debt collection company (part of a corporate bank), recruitment consultancy, in retail, a Russell Group university, and for training providers.

She also has qualifications as a trainer, business mentor, and clinical mental health therapist, 

Members of the flock

The members of the flock are all hand picked individuals with amazing research and content writing skills. 

Some have specialist areas, others vast amounts of life experience.

All are trained by Claire to work to the standards, qualities, and values which Raspberry Flamingo clients expect.


Raspberry Flamingo are all human beings. 

No AI tool will ever be used to produce the copy and content we write.

We’re not saying AI tool aren’t great – they are, for certain people and certain tasks.

But as part of your SEO for Google, you need to show





AI cannot write for you and demonstrate these things about you.

We can!

Quality Control

Every piece of work which is submitted to a client for review has been edited and proofread by Claire.

Nothing goes out without her say so.

In fact, Claire is the contact for every client.

This isn’t a control freak thing!

Claire is the one who gets to know the client when they make their first contact with Raspberry Flamingo and so it makes sense that she continues that relationship.

It’s how the business has been built.

Who we work with

Our clients are SMEs from every sector and industry.

In the main they provide a service, rather than a product.

From self employed trades to financial services organisations, law firms to children’s’ party venues, fire and security companies to branding and marketing agencies…

A selection of just some of our clients can be found here.

The important thing to note is that we write in the correct style for each client to attract their target audience.

Raspberry Flamingo’s writers are the chameleons of the copy and content writing world.


To Book
a consultation

Email:  claire@raspberryflamingo.com

or Whatsapp using the QR code below

Raspberry Flamingo logo with QR code for Whatsapp

To Arrange
a callback