SEO Blog Writing

Do you want your website to bring in more leads from organic searches?

Did you know Google wants you to publish 2000+ words of fresh content a month?

Do you publish blogs without SEO in them?

Without new content being published each and every month, Google will crawl your website less and less frequently. 

Writing blogs and hitting publish without the correct SEO within them will mean that Google does not understand their content.

Raspberry Flamingo write monthly SEO blog posts for clients to make sure both Google and their target audience are happy!

Blog Writing

Why blog

seo blog writing - reading a post on mobile


Google would like 2000+ words of fresh content published on your website each month. 

This keeps them interested, improving your SEO ranking.

However, writing a blog post without the correct on-page SEO within it means that their ‘bots’ won’t understand the blog topic and so it is unlikely to get returned even if someone searches for the subject.

Your prospective customer

Adding great content to your website, in the form of blog posts, on a regular basis achieves a number of things.

Firstly, it establishes you as an expert in your field. 

If you are publishing new information which has real value for the reader, then when they are ready to buy your services, they will know exactly who to contact. Blogs also help pre-qualify your prospects. 

The more someone learns about your company, expertise, and services, the more likely they are to buy from you.

Most companies appear not to understand the need to publish fresh SEO content and so, if you do, you will stand out from your competitors to both your prospective customer and to Google.

Traffic to your website

If you publish valuable information on a regular basis, you can drive traffic back to your website by promoting the new blog post through social media and email marketing.

By teasing the reader with a snippet of your new content, and giving them a link back to the specific post on your website, you will get more traffic which is a huge tick for your SEO.

Once you have the reader’s interest, they can use the internal links provided within the blog post to look at other areas of the site – keeping them there for longer and reducing your bounce rate.

Why SEO Blogs

If you create a blog which doesn’t meet SEO requirements, there really is little point in publishing it as it cannot rank well.

Without it having a long tail keyword in its title, and related keywords throughout, Google will not understand the specific topic and so it will not be returned in search engine results.

It really is that simple.

If you are blog writing but the blogs do not contain SEO within them, you are wasting your time (unless, of course, you have a huge amount of traffic hitting your website through other means such as paid ads).

And if you are paying for written content without SEO, then you are wasting your money!

SEO requirements

Your blog title should include a main keyword which describes the specific topic and is a phrase which someone would type into a search bar.

You should then also have associated keywords within the blog content.

A blog needs to be ‘long form text’ which means 1000+ word count, broken down into sections with level 2 headings.

Each section should have a number of short sentences forming its paragraphs.  Internal and external links are always a bonus.

The topic should hook readers and provide helpful tips and valuable information, be easy to read, have a featured image, and a great call to action.

The meta description for the blog post should be a snippet which includes the primary keyword.

Man looking up the meaning of keywords on mobile

Why use Raspberry Flamingo to write your SEO blog posts

Many businesses don’t have the time to think of content ideas, let alone blog writing.

Some people also worry that they may make grammatical errors.

Raspberry Flamingo will carry out keyword research for, and present a list of, possible subject areas related to your business.

You can then choose topics or leave it up to us.

In addition to the actual blog content, you have the option to have an email and the wording for social media posts created – to drive that all important traffic back to the blog once it is published.

We will even load and publish your blogs to your website, and your emails to your platform, if you require us to.

Our clients see fantastic search engine results, getting their blogs returned in organic searches on a regular basis.  It’s a great low cost way to market your business and keep your SEO ranking high.

If you would like to discuss your SEO blog writing requirements with us, then please contact Claire directly.  

There’s a contact form below or she can be reached by email ( or WhatsApp message on 07595756450using the QR code below.

Or if you’d like to know more about why you should be writing blogs, or how to improve your old blog posts then please head over to the BLOG section of the website (link in top menu bar) where you’ll find a number of useful articles.


Blog Writing Packages

The price of Raspberry Flamingo blog writing depends very much on how you want to work with us.  We will work flexibly, in the best way for you.


Blog Post only

£ 150
Starting From
  • av 1000 words
  • Keywords
  • On-Page SEO
  • Subject research

With Social Media or Email

£ 175
Starting From
  • av 1000 words
  • Keywords
  • On-Page SEO
  • Subject research
  • 4 Social Posts

With Socials and Email

£ 195
Starting From
  • av 1000 words
  • Keywords
  • On-Page SEO
  • Subject research
  • 4 Social Posts
  • Email content

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